Fort Anne App

The Fort Anne App is a self-guided multi-faceted experience that allows visitors to discover the rich history of one of Canada’s oldest military sites.

Inside of the visitor centre, beacon technology introduces visitors to a cast of animated characters who tell their own personal history. Step outside and an augmented reality experience allows visitors to see Fort Anne as it once was.

NGX Interactive – Software Design & Development
Aldrich Pears Associates – Exhibit Designer
Skyline – Fabricator

Fort Anne Attract
Fort Anne Main Menu
Fort Anne AR Notification
Fort Anne AR Instuction
Fort Anne AR Begin
Fort Anne AR XP
Fort Anne Character Menu 1
Fort Anne Character Menu 2
Fort Anne Character Play
Fort Anne Tapestry Explorer


Hi, I’m Pádraig, a UI/UX designer and artist. My work blends clean, comprehensive design with warmth and humour.